What Does Carbon Neutral Mean?

Carbon neutrality means achieving a balance between the carbon emissions produced and the carbon emissions offset or removed from the atmosphere. 

Lab grown diamonds have many benefits, but their production can also release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is their largest drawback. By offsetting the carbon emissions associated with lab grown diamonds through the purchase of renewable energy credits or investing in carbon reduction projects, it is possible to achieve carbon neutrality and minimise the environmental impact of their production.

By choosing lab grown diamonds that are Clear Neutral certified, consumers can feel good about their purchase and know that they are supporting a more sustainable and responsible industry.

The Future is Lab Grown

Lab-grown diamonds have emerged as a viable alternative to mined diamonds and their high socio-environmental cost.

1. Physically and chemically identical

Lab-grown diamonds are created in conditions mimicking those found deep within the Earth.

2. Untainted by destructive mining process

Mined diamonds cause environmental and social devastation, including ecosystem collapse, community displacement, and labour exploitation.

3. Affordability

The historic monopoly operating in the mined diamond industry has led to unreasonable pricing due to market manipulation.

4. Sustainability

The obscured origins of mined diamonds, and the vast majority being low-quality, make them unsustainable.

Making a Positive Difference

Protecting the planet
Combating climate change
Creating a sustainable future

Why Look For Clear Neutral?

As a consumer, you want to feel confident that the products you purchase are responsibly produced and have a minimal impact on the environment. By choosing carbon-neutral lab-grown diamonds certified by Clear Neutral, you can be sure that your diamonds have been thoroughly vetted and verified to meet the highest standards of sustainability.

Clear Neutral is a leader in the field of carbon offsetting for lab-grown diamonds. First, we carefully calculate the energy used to create each lab-grown diamond. Then, we verify that this energy has been offset through the purchase of renewable energy credits. This ensures that Clear Neutral-certified diamonds have a minimal carbon footprint, making them a truly sustainable choice.

Why for lab-grown?

Carbon neutrality, or having a net zero carbonfoot print, refers to achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced and the amount sequestered or offset. While lab-grown diamonds have many benefits, their production can release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
—their largest drawback.


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What is carbon neutrality?

Carbon neutrality refers to the practice of offsetting the carbon emissions associated with a product or activity by investing in projects that reduce or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What are the benefits of using Clear Neutral?

The benefits of using Clear Neutral include third-party verification of the carbon-neutral status of your lab-grown diamonds, a statement of authenticity in the form of a certificate, and the ability to effectively communicate your commitment to sustainability to your customers.

Why should I offset my diamond?

Offsetting your diamond allows you to reduce the carbon footprint of your purchase and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Why should consumers buy lab-grown diamonds that are offset by Clear Neutral?

Consumers should buy lab-grown diamonds that are offset by Clear Neutral to support a more sustainable and ethical alternative to mined diamonds and to ensure that their purchase has minimal environmental impact.